Monday, August 20, 2018

On vacation, but haven't left yet.  I did get the apartment cleaned, but have to do it again before we leave. 

I had a talk with DS2 today.  I asked him if he was going to go camping with us, but looks like he won't.  Then he laid into me about DS3.  He wanted to know when DS3 was going to pay him for the work he did on the vehicle.  I told him that was between him and his brother, but of course it didn't end there.  I had told DS3 that he needed to see his father today as he hadn't seen him in a while.  He had talked to his dad last week and his dad said he would not be back in town until Monday, so I told DS3 that after work on Monday, he needed to go to the house and see him since we were leaving on Wednesday.  Apparently some conversation took place, from him telling DS3 to make it right with his brother, his telling DS3 that DS2 did not sabotage his vehicle, to me sending EX and the boys on vacation 2 years ago so that I could have an affair. 

So let's clarify some of this, DS2 told me on the phone that he did cut the wiring harness on the vehicle in several spots and that EX told him he needed to fix it, which he said he did.  Guess what DS3 had to pay a mechanic to fix?  The wiring harness at $180.  Sending them on vacation?  We didn't have the money, but EX kept harping how he could probably not ever be able to go again due to his physical deterioration.  I told him if he could do it for I think $300, then they could go.  I believe they went for 5 days.  I had EX's father still at the house who is nosy as all get out, not to mention I was the one working and had to work while they were gone.  I didn't have time to have an affair!  Someone had to make money!  DS3 understands and believes me on that issue.  He is quite familiar with how his father works. 

But through it all, I told DS3 that DS2 still needed to be paid.  He needs to pay him the $100 for working on his vehicle and I will pay the $150 that DS2 chipped in on DS3's vehicle.  I do not understand still why DS2 chipped in on DS3's vehicle, but DS3 said that his dad was hurting for money and he wanted to help his brother get it.  I will not let his dad take advantage of him so I will pay him back.  His dad is getting the same amount he was when both boys were on his disability.  We thought it was going to reduce by the one being 18, but it didn't, they raised it for the youngest.  So he is getting $2750 a month in disability.  He makes more than I do!  And I'm supporting the youngest without his help.  He told DS3 that he would start giving him some of the money, but hasn't seen a cent yet. 

EX is trying to get DS3 to move some of his things back into the house as he believes that is why he moved it out, that I told him to so that I could file for his social security disability money, but that is far from the truth.  I have not made any move to do so and have no intentions of doing so.  The money is not worth having him bad talk me.  As far as I am concerned, he can have it. 

DS3 also told me that it looks like DS2's vehicle will not last a month either, it needs the front end worked on just like mine.  Wonderful.  DS3 also said that DS2 was to get the white truck from his dad when the disability gets reapproved, but that was never brought up to DS2 either.  He thought he was getting stuck with the POS until DS2 could afford something better.  So much for communication at any level.

I did tell DS2 that we all need to sit down and talk about this but I doubt that will happen.  I'm just going to keep trying to salvage the relationship between the boys and myself and DS2. 

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